PHIDIAS Launches the new Podcast series on HPC & Computing Science!
PHIDIAS has released its first Podcast, “Moving towards the increase of HPC and Data Capacities”, which is available on all major podcast hosting platforms. The first episode features François Bodin, professor at the University of Rennes, IRISA, and PHIDIAS HPC Scientific and End-user Committee Leader.
In this episode, he walks us through the current HPC and Computing Science landscape, how Europe is acting to gain a role as a key player in this ecosystem, and how Phidias and its interdisciplinary role is having a concrete impact through the development of the 3 Use Cases.
The PHIDIAS podcast will not only go into detail about its initiative but also plans on sharing the PHIDIAS assets and results and the contribution of the scientific and end-user and security committees to the success of the project. It will look to host a range of HPC experts to discuss relevant topics such as intelligent screening of satellite data, big earth observations, and ocean research, as well as discuss contemporary problems as the engagement between scientific researchers and HPC end-users, and how to bring together the diverse HPC and the computing science world.