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Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Fringe 2020 is the 11th International Workshop on "Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR" organised by the European Space Agency. The Fringe series of workshops started in 1992 and they are currently organised by ESA every 2-3 years.

Fringe 2020 is a free workshop that is open to scientists, students and Sentinel-1 data users, as well as representatives from national, European and international space agencies and value adding industries.

The objectives of the workshop are:

  • To bring together the global InSAR research and development communities and facilitate international exchange between researchers and research groups;
  • To assess the state of the art in InSAR Science and Applications;
  • To present the Sentinel-1 mission status, algorithms and products;
  • To present the BIOMASS mission status, algorithms and products;
  • To review and assess the progress according to the recommendations voiced at FRINGE 2017;
  • To consult the scientific communities to prepare ESA for starting supporting science activities for Sentinel-1 and BIOMASSin the InSAR domain.

The proposed themes include Atmosphere, Ionosphere & InSAR Meteorology, Earthquakes & tectonics/seismic hazards, InSAR for the built environment/infrastructure monitoring, and many more, which are related mainly to the PHIDIAS use cases about Earth Observation and Intelligent screening of satellite data for air quality and climate.

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The 30-months project will push the Next Generation Internet a step further by providing cascade funding to EU-based researchers and innovators in carrying out Next Generation Internet related experiments in collaboration with US research teams.

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