GAIA Data ESR/Equipex+ Project Kick-Off
Seamless access to a continuum of interoperable distributed data and service infrastructures for cross-referencing, analysis, and dissemination has become a challenge for the Earth system sciences.
Supported by the three French E-Infrastructures of the Earth system and environment domain - DATA TERRA, CLIMERI-France, PNDB - and involving 21 partners, GAIA Data aims to develop a data and services infrastructure for the observation, modelling and integrated understanding of the Earth system, biodiversity and the environment.
The project responds to the scientific challenges of multidisciplinary and multi-scale approaches to the Earth system, involving the atmosphere, oceans, continental surfaces, internal Earth, biodiversity, and their interactions.
Managing the entire data cycle
The system, based on very high-speed interconnected data centres and services, will make it possible to manage the entire data cycle and seamlessly access, extract and combine multi-source data in order to develop intelligent products and uses adapted to the needs of the scientific communities.
GAIA Data kick-off meeting will take place on 12 April 2022 at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (France), in the presence of Claire Giry, Director General of Research and Innovation at the MESRI and the heads of the main partner organisations.
Save the date and stay tuned for more information on the project.
Three French Research Infrastructures (RIs) support the Gaia Data project:
- Data Terra, its four thematic data consortia and the image acquisition mechanism, Dinamis;
- Climeri-France, National infrastructure for modelling the Earth's climate system;
- The Pôle National pour la Diversité Biologique (PNDB), a data centre serving scientists producing, managing and analysing, biodiversity data;
The project involves 21 partners: CNRS (coordination), CNES, IRD, INRAE, MNHN, IFREMER, BRGM, Sorbonne University, Météo France, IGN, CEA, IPGP, CINES, University of Grenoble-Alpes, University of Lille, University of Toulouse-III-Paul-Sabatier, University of Strasbourg, SHOM, OCA, FRB, CERFACS.
Budget: 62 million € over 8 years, including 16.16 million € of MESRI/PIA3 aid within the framework of the ANR/EQUIPEX+ programme "Equipements Structurants de la Recherche"; 560 FTEs mobilised.
The international jury of the EQUIPEX+/ESR programme has selected 50 projects for a total budget of €422 million. The GAIA project is one of the 18 projects ranked A+.