Jean-Christophe Desconnets (M) is a senior engineer at the IRD. He is a geomatic scientist at MICADO research team of ESPACE-DEV. He has two complementary competencies: one in water science (PhD in Water Science, Montpellier University, 1994) and one in computer science (MSc in computer science, Montpellier University, 2000). He has specialized in Spatial Data Infrastructure design with an emphasis on semantic discovery and data processing capabilities. He has participated as WP leader or co-leader in different projects, where he has mainly led the design and implementation of the technical part of spatial data infrastructure. His research activities concern the needs of data and knowledge sharing to provide to the stakeholders with elements for decision support in the environmental domain. He is also involved in the French national land data centre, THEIA, where he leads the data and processing interoperability works with the CNES.